Thinker Belle

As thoughts grow in time

dear people:cyber awareness. especially now.

cr: erroxmysox

assalamualaikum and hey hey peeps

tonight i tergerak nak menulis tentang cyber awareness
actually i tergerak untuk menulis entri ini adalah disebabkan perkara ini

at first, i was so angry
yelah, tetiba je nak hack group orang kan
takde kerja lain ke?
tak mau buat amal ibadah ke, dahlah sekarang ni bulan puasa

but, since i'm really the optimistic type and i don't want to judge a thing from one side only
after that particular group got hacked (i don't want to state the name)
what i can see is, not only the hackers, but the members of the group has started a war
they keep talking rubbish about each other

on one hand, i don't really agree to those who says stuffs like

- woii, BAB* kau ni apasal nak hack hack group orang
- pergi mati lahh kau, apasal kau sibuk

truthfully, this is not the way we especially Malaysian and Asian should be talking

so i agak terkilan dengan cara certain members dalam group tu yang memaki-maki

so, in order to avoid benda-benda macam ni dari happen again
korang kena mulakan langkah-langkah awal
so takde lah kena hack lepas ni

cyber awareness means how to keep your computer safe and secure .
  main article here

so, kalau korang nak pastikan korang online dengan selamat
sesekali keep updated dengan latest news jugak
bukan setiap kali online, bukak facebook semata-mata

i didn't say yang i ni dah full knowledge dlm cyber awareness ni
it just we need to learn more :)

sekian, terima kasih ;D

edit: i try nego dengan group yang hack tu, diorang tu boleh je nego, kalau korang ckp lek lok

p/s: ni adalah tips dari hacker tu sendiri, sempoii pulak hacker tu..haha

Tips - 
bhati2 smasa login dimana2 page,
jangan ikut suke click link ape2 ntah,
change http --> https
pastikan link btl sblm login .
okayyy ni betul2 dah habis hehehhehe ciowww


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